Majestyk's Q2 Config v5.0 Special thanks to JakFrost for running the former Quake Console Site, which for me was the best resource for console/script info. To install: Unzip all of the files into the c:\quake2\baseq2 directory, and the directory(s) of any mods you plan to use this script with. |---|---|---|---|---|---| | Q | W | E | R | T | Y | |---|---|---|---|---|--- | A | S | D | F | G | |---|---|---|---|---|-- | Z | X | C | V | B | |---|---|---|---|---|-- | SPACE |------------------- This is the basic layout of the config. The ideal way to use it is to keep your left middle finger over the D, your ring finger over the S, and your index finger over the F. To walk forward, hold down the D, and press S and F to strafe. Just move your middle finger backwards to the C to walk backwards. When you want to walk so your footsteps aren't heard, just tap E. All of the most used commands are closeby so you can just move one of your fingers quicly to access the command, and then move it back to the previous place to control your movement. I know that the ESDF config is much more popular, but I have reasons to beleive that my way is better. First, when your left hand is in the default position, it is uncomfortable to have one of your fingers sticking forward. Also, the top row is a little bit staggered to the left, so it makes it even more uncomfortable. But with the SDFC config, the default position is the comfortable home row position that you all remember from typing lessons ;). It only takes a while to get used to this less popular way, but when you get used to it, you will notice how comfortable it is. SPECIAL ALIASES --------------- R Switches hands; goes in order from left to middle to right Shift When down, number keys are bound to drop respective ammo. When released, weapon bindings are restored. V Rocket jump A View is zoomed when A is down \ switches F key functions between original bindings and quick team messages in CTF (default is original keys) < and > control how many degrees the view will be zoomed to when A is pressed Control Switches between zoom mode 1 and zoom mode 2. The two zoom modes are just two different ways that zoom works, but it does the same thing. If for some reason zoom does not work then just tap ctrl to switch to the other zoom mode, which should work. X Night vision is on when X is down (does not work in deathmatch, the problem is in Q2. But it should work with any mods.) Tab displays scoreboard/personal computer in single player, and exits when released. *if you get stuck in a mode where the scoreboard is displayed constantly, just press Esc. B Wide angle view is on when B is down. W Throws a grenade behind you (must have grenade launcher selected) Z Crouch Y Toggle between mode where you are crouched when Z is down and a mode where Z toggles whether you are crouched or not. OTHER BINDINGS -------------- Z Swim down/crouch ; Says message to team ' Says message to everybody on the server N Use silencer M Use environment suit E Toggles walking/running mode. When you walk you go slower, but your footsteps aren't heard. This is useful for sneaking up to people in duels. Backspace drops selected inventory item P Power shield Insert Flipoff Home Point Page up Salute Delete Taunt End Wave Alt Inventory screen CONROLS -------- D forward C back S strafe left F strafe right Mouse1 fire Mouse3 jump/swim up Mouse2 Chooses highest weapon NOTES ----- *Inverted Mlook is always on (open up the majestyk.rc and look near the bottom of the .rc to see how to make it not be inverted) *All other controls are the default id contols. Just type 'exec default.cfg' in the console to restore all default controls, and then type 'exec majestyk.rc' in the console to load this config. (I assume you already know the default contols.) *I have left the space bar unbound because different people like it with different things. For example, i play JailBreak a lot so I have it bound to +use, but someone may play CTF and have it bound to grappling hook, etc. *If you want to change some bindings or add some aliases, but want to leave the script unchanged, add these commands to the file extras.rc. If in this file you bind a key that has already been bound to something else, it will just overwrite the old binding when Quake2 runs it. EOF